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Omaha Ski Club Photo Album

Summit County, Colorado
March 10-15, 2024


Vance, Simon, Teri, Jamie, Andi, Jeff, Ben and Brian at Copper Mountain

Facebook slideshow

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Copper Mountain base lodge wall decorations

 Sunday morning at the Copper Mountain base

Dew Tour area

Sunday morning at Copper Mountain

Well groomed slope

Near the base of the Timberline lift

Smooth open area with a valley view

Freshly groomed upper slope

Teri's Sunday morning photo stop

Jamie resting on Sunday morning

Quiet Sunday morning landscape

Teri, Phil and Jamie's photo stop

Wide open back bowls

Phil and Jamie on a long traverse

On the long traverse, continued

Skiing back to the base

Crowded base area

Dew Tour stage

Dew Tour course

Stopping for lunch

Base view to the west

Dew Tour booths at the base

VIP viewing area

 Moose Jaw dinner menu

Phil at Sunday evening dinner

Monday morning valley view

Jeff and Dave

Phil resting on Monday morning

Jeff, Teri, Dave and Ben

Jeff, Dave, Phil, Brian, Ben and Teri

Bumpy run under the lift

Phil and Teri on the lift

Monday's lunch

Monday afternoon landscape, part 1

Monday afternoon landscape, part 2

Mid-mountain restaurant

Near the top, part 1

Near the top, part 2

Phil near the top

Descending towards the back side

Wide open area

Monday afternoon rest stop

View along the upper ridge

Upper ridge view, part 2

Upper ridge view, part 3

Resting on the ridge

Jeff, Dave and Ben

Jeff near the top of the ridge

Jeff and Ben near the top of the lift

Deep snow in the trees

Gladed area

Teri's Monday afternoon photo stop

At the end of the skiing day

Loading up the car

In the hot tub after skiing Monday

Jamie preparing the welcome party dinner

Ben and Brian at the Lewis residence

Beginning of the welcome party

Welcome party, part 2

Simon, Jamie and Andi setting up the welcome party food

Welcome party chili

Relaxing at the welcome party

Chili, brussels sprouts and cornbread muffins

Additional hot sauce

Welcome party discussions

Starting the welcome party dinner

Dinner at the table

Large sleepy black dog

Jamie with dessert plates

Teri and Jamie with the desserts

Andi, Vance, Ben, Phil and Dave

Discussions after dinner

Jeff with dessert

Welcome party group photo

Group gathering, part 2

Group gathering, part 3

Welcome party dessert

Ben, Phil and Dave

Relaxing after dinner

Phil making sandwiches Tuesday morning

Tuesday morning at the base

Halfpipe looking uphill

      Ben, Andi, Jamie, Phil, Jeff, Simon, Vance and Dave about to ski on Tuesday morning

Brian about to ski

Teri and Brian on Tuesday morning

Assembled at the base

Teri, Andi and Jamie

Jeff, Teri, Andi, Ben and Phil on the lift

Jamie's Tuesday morning photo stop

Assembled at the top of the lift

Mid-mountain restaurant viewed from the lift

Restaurant closeup

Simon's Tuesday morning photo stop

Club skiers with valley view

Brian's Tuesday morning photo stop

Dave, Ben, Jamie, Andi, Brian, Vance and Simon

Teri and Ben descending the front side

Tuesday morning I-70 view

Dave, Teri and Ben

Teri, Jeff, Ben, Dave, Jamie and Simon on the lift

Teri, Jeff, Ben, Dave, Jamie and Simon, continued

Wide open area on Tuesday morning

Lined up sitting on the lift

Teri on the lift

Northwest view from the top of the ridge

Impressive rugged terrain

Ben, Teri and Jamie near the top of the T-bar

Dave and Ben

Jamie retrieving a lost ski

Teri with Dave

Dave, Jamie and Teri

Dave and Jeff at Tuesday's lunch

Tuesday afternoon backside view

Phil on Tuesday afternoon

Steep open backside terrain

Wooded valley and steep mountains

Ben and Phil on a wide open slope

Teri and Phil at the restroom building

Wide open bumpy bowl

South view from the top

View to the southwest

Jeff, Ben and Vance on the lift

Windblown steep terrain under the lift

Tucker Mountain trails

Teri on Tucker Mountain

Ridge in the back bowls

Jeff, Ben, Vance, Teri and Phil on Tuesday afternoon

Jeff, Ben, Vance, Teri and Phil, continued

Ben resting Tuesday afternoon

Jeff's Tuesday afternoon photo stop

Ben's Tuesday afternoon photo stop

Teri's Tuesday afternoon photo stop

Jeff's selfie

Phil, Dave, Jeff, Ben and Vance

Beer at the end of the skiing day

Teri, Phil, Brian, Steve, Ben, Dave, Vance and Jeff

China Szechuan restaurant in Frisco

Ben, Dave, Jamie, Vance, Simon, Jeff and Brian doing Chinese dinner

Chinese vegetables, tea and rice

Dale, Ben, Dave, Jamie, Vance, Simon, Jeff and Steve

Jeff, Brian, Steve, Phil, Andi, Dale and Ben

Brian, Steve, Teri, Phil and Dale

Chinese restaurant exit

Ben resting at Keystone Wednesday morning

The Keystone safety patrol

At the top of the lift at Keystone

At the Outback section of Keystone

Breckenridge runs viewed from Keystone

Jeff and Ben at Keystone

Ben navigating through a bump run

Jeff's Wednesday lunch

The new Bergmann Express lift at Keystone

Ben in the snow and fog at Keystone

Near the top of Keystone

Ben at the top of the lift

Descending back to the Keystone base

Keystone base viewed from above

Keystone ice castle

Keystone valley view

View from the Flyer lift at Copper Mountain

Dave and Teri on the Flyer lift

Clouds, fog and fresh snow at Copper Mountain

Brian and Dave's photo stop at Copper Mountain

Teri, Brian and Dave

Dale, Dave and Brian at Jack's bar at Copper Mountain

Lefty Lucy playing at Jack's

Teri, Steve, Brian and Dale listening to Lefty Lucy

Dave, Dale, Brian, Phil, Jeff, Teri and Steve at Jack's

View from above

View from above, continued

Lefty (Nick) playing the guitar

Lefty Lucy closeup

Lucy singing on the bar

Lucy announcing with two shot skis

Lefty Lucy playing some more

Jeff, Teri, Phil, Lucy, Ben, Brian and Dale

Group photo at Jack's, continued

Dale, Brian and Phil walking back to the car

Dale, Brian and Teri

Milligan's Irish Pub

Copper Mountain shuttle bus stop

Hacienda Real Mexican restaurant

Mexican restaurant menu

Brian and Phil toasting at Wednesday night dinner

Unusual Mexican food

Jamie, Dave, Jeff, Vance, Steve, Ben, Simon and Dale

Ben, Simon, Dale, Brian, Phil, Jamie, Dave and Jeff

More unusual Mexican food

Colorful dinner

Phil and Teri at the Mexican dinner on Wednesday night

Teri, Jamie, Dave, Jeff, Vance, Steve, Ben, Simon, Dale, Brian and Phil

Steve, Ben, Simon, Dale, Brian, Phil, Teri, Jamie, Dave, Jeff and Vance

On the way to Copper from the motel on Thursday morning

Dave, Ben, Simon, Jeff, Andi, Jamie and Phil at Copper

Jamie, Teri, Phil, Andi, Ben and Dave overlooking I-70

Clearing skies and a wide easy slope on Thursday morning

Ben, Jamie, Dave and Jeff

Brian and Teri on Thursday morning

Near the top of the Timberline chairlift

Ben and Brian on some green runs

Teri's Thursday morning photo stop

Jeff resting Thursday morning

Dave resting near the top of the lift

Ben, Jamie, Brian, Dave and Jeff

Wide open slope on Thursday morning

Jamie on Thursday morning

Brian's Thursday morning rest stop

Backcountry access trail in the trees

Jamie, Teri, Brian, Ben and Dave

Jeff, Jamie, Teri, Brian, Ben and Dave

At the West Village lodge for Thursday lunch

Jeff at lunch

Dave, Ben and Phil at lunch

Jeff back on the slopes

Jeff, Dave, Ben and Teri on the lift

Jeff's Thursday afternoon photo stop

Phil, Teri and Andi on a bump run

Jeff and Teri Thursday afternoon

Near the base of the Three Bears lift

Jeff, Ben and Phil on the snowy backside of Copper Mountain

Back at Jack's at the end of the skiing day

Lefty Lucy playing late Thursday afternoon

Lucy announcing at the bar

Lucy setting up shot skis

Jeff on the left shot ski

Drinking from the shot skis

Back at Andi's condo

Andi's living room

Andi's Thursday evening dinner

Snowy condos at Silverton

Ben and Brian back at the motel

Thursday night dinner at Wendy's

Friday morning view to the east

Back side of Copper Mountain

Pleasant valley view

View between the trees

Phil, Andi, Teri and Jamie Friday afternoon

Phil, Andi and Jamie on the ridge, part 1

Phil, Andi and Jamie on the ridge, part 2

Friday afternoon view from Hallelujah Ridge

View to the north along the summit ridge

Back at Andi's condo

Quiet Saturday morning landscape

Peaceful Saturday afternoon

Teri's Saturday afternoon photo stop

On the summit ridge Saturday afternoon

Hallelujah Ridge sign

Northeast view along the fence

On the way back east to Nebraska

Out of the mountains