Full moon over I-80 |

Ole's outside view

Phil at Ole's |

El and Phil at Ole's |

Heavy snow in Colorado |

Steamies outside view

Steamies inside view |

Steamies decorations, part 1 |

Steamies decorations, part 2 |

El at Steamies for Sunday brunch |

Snowy Telluride sidewalk

Downtown Telluride |

Telluride courthouse |

Near the ski area |

Road work |

Snowy Telluride main street |

Painter near the Elks Lodge |

Phil in downtown Telluride

Teri and Phil downtown |

Piles of snow downtown |

Phil and El downtown |

Bicycles in the snow

Clearing the sidewalks downtown |

Dog at the base of the steps |

Dog closeup |

Snowy side street |

Unusual decorations |

Telluride library |

Library decorations |

View from the library, part 1

View from the library, part 2 |

Strange mural |

El waiting at the Telluride library |

Phil waiting at the Telluride library

Condo hallway |

Condo master bedroom, part 1 |

Condo master bedroom, part 2 |

Condo second bedroom, part 1

Condo second bedroom, part 2 |

Condo third bedroom |

Living room and kitchen area |

Mark in the kitchen

Phil and El in the condo |

Dave and Teri |

Teri fixing dinner Sunday evening |

Dave, Phil, Mark and El on Monday morning

Dave, Phil, Mark and Teri |

Monday morning view of the mountains |

El, Mark, Dave, Teri and Phil |

El, Dave, Teri, Phil and Mark

Telluride Mountain Village on Monday morning |

Along the top of the ridge |

El, Dave and Mark |

Wide easy cruising run

Dave, El, Mark and Teri |

El, Dave, Phil and Mark |

Dave, Teri and El watching the valley |

Mark, Phil, El and Dave

Teri and Phil on the chairlift |

Mountains and trees, part 1 |

Mountains and trees, part 2 |

Isolated pinnacle

Mountain peaks and small trees |

Teri's photo stop |

Phil and Teri's photo stop |

Phil resting

Sharp mountain ridge |

Kim's photo stop |

Kim closeup |

Teri next to a dead tree

Flat topped mountains |

Canyon inside a large valley |

Kim near the top of the lift |

Rugged ridge

Mountain closeup |

View from Goronno's Ranch |

Goronno's Ranch outside view |

Phil, Kim, Dave, Mark and El at lunch

Lunch with a view |

Dave at lunch |

Phil, Teri and Dave at lunch |


Kim |

Mark |

Teri and Phil |

Relaxing after lunch

Teri and Kim |

Skis after lunch |

Teri in deep snow |

Phil and Teri in deep snow

Mark and Dave along the ridge |

Telluride airport runway |

Peaceful landscape |

Phil in the trees

Mark in the trees |

Teri in the trees |

Phil and Mark |

Trees and snow

Isolated peak |

Long ridge |

El, Mark and Phil |

Resting along the top of the ridge

Broad valley view |

Mark closeup |

Descending into the Telluride valley |

Phil and El on a traverse

Mark resting under the gondola |

Teri with camera, part 1 |

Teri with camera, part 2 |

Phil preparing for the hot tub

Hot tub with beer |

Dale and Merry at dinner |

Dave and Mark at dinner |

Phil at dinner

Post-dinner discussion |

Cornerhouse bar poster |

Teri cooking breakfast Tuesday morning |

Phil cooking breakfast Tuesday morning

Tuesday morning view from the condo |

Base of lift near the condo |

Stream near the condo |

Stream, part 2

Stream, part 3 |

Stream closeup |

Scenery near the base |

Condo complex entrance

Mountains in the distance |

Mountains at daybreak |

Fresh snow near the condos |

Tuesday morning view from the lift

Valley view from the lift |

Directions to runs |

Tuesday morning valley view |

Mark and Dave

Bill and Mark |

Tuesday morning valley fog |

Bill on an easy slope |

Dave on fresh powder

Teri with mountain scenery |

Mountains and trees |

Snow covered road |

Kim and Mark on the lift

Fresh snow and valley fog |

El and Phil getting off the lift |

El and Bill |

Mark resting

Kim resting |

Wide easy cruising run Tuesday morning |

Top of Revelation Bowl |

View down into the canyon

Skiers in Revelation Bowl |

Snowy trees, wide valley |

Dave resting near the snowy trees |

Snowy trees closeup

Cabin and ski run near the top of the ridge |

Mark, Dave and Phil |

Kim closeup Tuesday morning |

Dave, Mark, Kim and Phil

Teri, Dave, Kim and Phil |

Teri, Dave, Kim and Phil closeup |

Trees framing a mountain |

Trees and a sharp ridge

Mark on the lift |

Long sharp ridge |

Dense snowy trees |

Fresh powder seen from the lift

Teri on the lift |

Ski patroller hiking up the trail |

Ski patroller resting |

Mark's photo stop

Warning sign |

Mark and Phil resting |

Kim and Dave resting |

Dave trapped in deep snow

Dave trapped in deep snow, closeup |

Wide run in the trees, part 1 |

Wide run in the trees, part 2 |

Teri and Kim on the lift

Dave, Kim and Teri on a bump run |

Dave and Kim in the bumps |

Dave, Phil and Teri along the ridge |

Kim along the ridge

Teri uphill of cabin restaurant |

Preparing for lunch, part 1 |

Preparing for lunch, part 2 |

Mark at Goronno's

Tuesday afternoon lunch at Goronno's |

El, Kim and Phil at lunch |

Bill at lunch |

El and Dave at lunch

Increasing cloudiness Tuesday afternoon |

Ski patroller with dog |

Ski patroller with dog approaching the lift |

Ski patroller and dog getting on the lift

Teri and Kim in the bumps and trees |

Kim maneuvering through the bumps |

Phil and Kim resting in the bumps and trees |

Mark, Dave and Kim returning to the base

Kim, Mark and Dave |

Town view from under the lift |

Dave and Phil at the end of the skiing day |

Bear statue at the condos

Late Tuesday afternoon hot tub gathering |

El, Dave and Kim in the hot tub |

Mark, El, Bill and Dave |

Mark cooking breakfast Wednesday morning

Dave, Phil and El at Wednesday morning breakfast |

Mark, Dave, Teri, El, Phil, Judy and Rich at the
start of the skiing day |

Wide area with new snow |

Mountains and clouds on Wednesday morning

Phil, Dave, Mark and El |

Wednesday morning gathering |

Judy, Phil, Dave and El |

Mark, Judy, Phil, Rich, Dave and El

Unusual rock formation |

Dave's photo stop |

Phil's photo stop |

Rich's photo stop

Unusual scenery |

Mark, Phil, Dave, Rich and Judy |

Thin low clouds, fresh snow |

Boundary rope

Dead trees and fog |

Lots of snow on the roof |

Goronno's Ranch area |

Rest stop above the mountain village

El's photo stop |

Mountain village view |

Snowy view from the lift |

Goronno's Ranch in the snow

Outdoor seating area |

Snowy woods |

Lift view in the trees, part 1 |

Lift view in the trees, part 2

Lift view in the trees, part 3 |

Town view from the gondola, part 1 |

Town view from the gondola, part 2 |

Town view from the gondola, part 3

End of the valley closeup |

Lower valley view |

Phil on Thursday morning |

Mark, El and Phil preparing to ski

Judy, Rich and Steve |

Thursday morning scenery |

Kim, Mark, Phil, Dave and El |

Mountain photographer

Teri, Dave, Mark, Bill and El |

Snow blowing off steep ridge |

Steep ridge closeup |

Judy, Dave, Mark, Bill and El

Sunny quiet landscape |

Teri in the fresh snow, [art 1 |

Teri in the fresh snow, part 2 |

Long traverse on the mountainside

Long traverse, continued |

Thin snowy trees |

Skiing down the long traverse, part 1 |

Skiing down the long traverse, part 2

Bluebird day, dense snowy trees |

Dave on a wide easy slope |

Bill on a wide easy slope, part 1 |

Bill on a wide easy slope, part 2

Slow descent towards the base |

Dense mixed forest |

Large fancy house in the trees |

Tunnel underneath the road

Wide easy run with cabins |

Wide easy run, part 2 |

Dave, Mark, Bill and Judy |

Dave, Bill, Mark and Judy

Dave, Bill, Judy, Mark and Kim |

Lots of snow on the trees |

Thursday view from the lift |

Thursday broad valley view

Trees and distant mountains |

Broad ridge |

Thursday mountain closeup |

Thursday lunch stop

Preparing to race |

Race course |

Phil racing, part 1 |

Phil racing, part 2

Lower racecourse |

Race officials |

Two racers on the course |

Phil's second run, part 1

Phil's second run, part 2 |

Thursday mountain village view |

Phil on Thursday afternoon |

Mark on Thursday afternoon

Steep and tight tree run |

Mark resting in deep snow |

Mark and Kim |

Wide cruising run towards the mountain village

Returning to the valley Thursday afternoon |

Mark and Phil at the end of the skiing day |

Back at the condos |

Skiers in costume

FSA race chairs |

Kim, Mark, Steve and Pat |

Kim, Mark, Steve and Pat closeup |

Snowshoe race start

Snowshoe race, continued |

Bill with snowshoes, part 1 |

Bill with snowshoes, part 2 |

Bill completing his section

Next snowshoe race section |

Teri with snowshoe race paperwork |

FSA race chairs at the snowshoe race |

Mountain Village scenery

Omaha Ski Club table at FSA welcome party |

Cindy, Susan, Andy, Pat, Steve and El |

Pat, Brian, Cindy and Susan |

Mark, Bill, Dave and Mary

Mary, Judy and Merry |

Welcome party overview |

Welcome party food |

Teri at the welcome party

Herb and Teri |

Bill, Dave, Mary and Rich |

Rich, Judy, Merry and Al |

Al, Jerry, Mark and Kim

Andy and Pat |

Susan and Andy |

Brian and Cindy |

Herb, Teri, El and Phil

Phil and Teri at the welcome party |

Thursday night decorations |

Nighttime view from the gondola |

Telluride valley view at night

Gondola download exit station |

El and Dave preparing to ski Friday morning |

Phil preparing to ski |

Kim and Mark preparing to ski

Wide open run Friday morning |

Kim, El, Dave, Phil and Mark |

Gathering near the race course |

Race course top view

El waiting to race |

Lined up waiting to race, part 1 |

Lined up, part 2 |

Lined up, part 3

Phil at the starting gate |

Phil on his way |

Rich at the starting gate |

Rich on his way

Phil about to start his second run |

Phil on his way again |

Race course detail view |

Andy and Rich at the stating gate

Andy about to start |

Rich on his second run |

Andy and Rich on their second run |

Andy and Rich on their second run, continued

Post-race gathering |

Friday morning landscape |

Friday afternoon landscape |

Afternoon race lineup

Judy in the lineup |

Teri in the lineup |

Teri at the starting gate |

Teri starting

Teri on the race course |

Increasing cloudiness |

Clouds and trees |

Friday afternoon valley view

Phil with valley view |

Teri with valley view |

Returning down the valley |

Snow near the condo Friday afternoon

Friday afternoon view from the lift |

Gondola near the valley |

Intermediate gondola station |

Friday evening sunset, part 1

Friday evening sunset, part 2 |

Friday evening sunset, part 3 |

Friday evening view from the gondola |

Mountain village view from the gondola

Gondola station exit area |

Friday evening FSA gathering, part 1 |

Friday evening FSA gathering, part 2 |

Mark and El at Saturday morning breakfast

Saturday morning lift line |

Saturday morning view from the lift |

Kim and Phil on the lift |

Teri on the lift Saturday morning

Teri, Kim and Phil on the lift |

Saturday morning wide cruising run |

Kim, Andy, Pat, Brian and Phil |

Saturday morning valley view

Steeper run |

Rich on Saturday morning |

Saturday late morning landscape |

Dense trees

Smooth cruising run |

Wide view over the valley |

Teri Saturday morning |

Kim Saturday morning

Rich and Judy |

Rich and Judy closeup |

At the mountain picnic |

Getting picnic food

Serious mountain picnic lunch |

Mountain picnic overview |

Along the long table, part 1 |

Along the long table, part 2

Along the long table, part 3 |

Along the long table, part 4 |

Mountain picnic BBQ |

Mountain picnic BBQ closeup

Mountain picnic ski rack |

Mountain picnic food line |

Wooden bear statue in deep snow |

Bill, Teri, Phil, Kim and Judy

Steve and Jim |

Kim, Phil, Judy, Andy and Pat |

Mary, Judy and Phil |

Gathering for the race chair race

Setting up the race chair race |

Race chair race overview |

Race about to start |

Race chair race, part 1

Race chair race, part 2 |

Race chair race, part 3 |

Race chair race, part 4 |

Race chair race, part 5

Race chair race, part 6 |

Race chair race, part 7 |

Race chair race, part 8 |

Race chair race, part 9

Race chair race, part 10 |

Teri at the race chair race |

Race chair race, part 8 |

Race chair race, part 9

Race chair race, part 10 |

Teri at the race chair race |

Phil resting Saturday afternoon |

Brian closeup Saturday afternoon

Phil, Andy and Pat |

Andy closeup |

Saturday afternoon cruising run |

Poachers Pub Saturday afternoon

Novice race course |

Preparing for the novice race |

Watching the novice race |

Novice race, part 1

Novice race, part 2 |

Novice race, part 3 |

Novice race, part 4 |

Novice race, part 5

Novice race, part 6 |

Snow covered boulders |

Increasing clouds late Saturday afternoon |

Distant pinnacle

Distant mountain range |

Snow covered storage pond |

Phil near huge boulder, part 1 |

Phil near huge boulder, part 2

FSA medals table |

FSA awards closeup |

FSA awards banquet buffet |

Awards banquet food

Matt and Mary |

Brian, Cindy and Bill |

Kim, Bill and Joe |

Mary and El

Susan, Andy, Cindy and Brian at the Omaha
banquet table |

Brian and Pat |

Around the Omaha table |

Mary, El, Rich and Judy

Bill and Matt after dinner |

Steve, Jim and Mary |

Watching the awards ceremony |

FSA awards ceremony, part 1

FSA awards ceremony, part 2 |

Lined up for awards |

Merry with credentials |

Teri with fellow award winners, part 1

Teri with fellow award winners, part 2 |

Teri under the FSA sign |

Teri's medal |

Herb and Bette

End of the awards banquet |

Full moon late Saturday night |

Leaving Telluride Sunday morning |

Driving through the mountain village

Snowy mountain roads, part 1 |

Snowy mountain roads, part 2 |

Snowy mountain roads, part 3 |

Improving conditions

Reddish cliffs |

Light snow, rugged terrain |

Sparse vegetation |

Pines and sagebrush

More snowy conditions |

Unusual clouds |

Long scenic road |

Cerro Summit

Snowy canyon |

More snowy roads |

Going up Monarch Pass |

Steep snowy road, part 1

Steep snowy road, part 2 |

Monarch ski area entrance |

Better conditions east of the pass |

Clearing in the valley

Broad flat valley |

Early Sunday afternoon view |