Welcome breakfast at the Aerie restaurant |

Hotel room at the Cliff Lodge

View from the hotel room |

Mark at the entrance of the tunnel to Mineral
Basin |

Going through the tunnel |

Along the ridge near the crossover to Alta

Clouds to the west |

Phil and CMSC skiers at the Hidden Mountain
summit |

Mineral Basin view |

CMSC skiers at Sunday morning rest stop |

Phil and Mark checking the trail map

At the base of the tram |

View from the top of Mineral Basin |

Sunday afternoon Mineral Basin view |

Mark and Phil at the Tram Club bar |

Mark ready to ski Monday morning |

Ben ready to ski Monday morning |

Entering the tunnel

Inside the tunnel, part 1 |

Inside the tunnel, part 2 |

Inside the tunnel, part 3 |

Inside the tunnel, part 4

Leaving the tunnel |

Monday morning Mineral Basin view |

Interesting clouds |

Mineral Basin bowl

Phil at Mineral Basin |

Little Cloud lift |

View towards Salt Lake City |

View up the canyon

Monday morning ridge view |

Returning to the main base |

Mark and Ben at lunch |

Watching the tram

Wildflower Italian restaurant entrance |

Mark and Stave with CMSC skiers at Italian
dinner |

Expensive $45 Italian wine bottle |

Mark, Dale and Steve with CMSC skiers at Italian

Fancy lasagna and bread |

Tuesday morning sunrise view, part 1 |

Tuesday morning sunrise view, part 2 |

Pool and hot tubs seem from the hotel room |

Mark about to ski Tuesday morning |

Ben about to ski Tuesday morning |

Tuesday morning view near the hotel |

Phil with CMSC skiers at the top of the Peruvian
Express lift

Leaving the tunnel to Mineral Basin |

Approaching the gate to Alta

Alta gate shack |

Skiing through the gate to Alta |

Top of the ridge at Alta |

View down a wide Alta cruising run |

Phil and CMSC skiers about to ski at Alta |

View from the Sugarloaf lift,
part 1

View from the Sugarloaf lift,
part 2 |

Race course at Alta

Alta cliffs |

Resting at Alta |

Long traverse |

Big bowl at Alta |

Alta base area and canyon view from above |

Alta base area closeup

Sign back to Snowbird |

Skiing back through the Snowbird gate

Approaching the Mineral Basin lift |

Shower across the valley |

Tuesday afternoon view towards Salt Lake City |

Cliff Lodge closeup

Dinner gathering at the
Tram Club, part 1 |

Dinner gathering at the
Tram Club, part 2 |

Dinner discussions, part 1 |

Dinner discussions, part 2 |

Tram Club buffalo wings |

Phil and CMSC skiers about to ski Wednesday

Clouds and fog moving up the canyon |

Lowering clouds |