Transit center ice sculpture |

Ice sculpture near the condos

Ice sculpture, part 3 |

Ice sculpture, part 4 |

Ice sculpture, part 5 |

Phil preparing to ski

Monday morning sunrise view |

Sunrise over the butte |

Children's trailhead treehouse |

Trailhead play area |

Bluebird morning

Dave and Phil |

Dave, Kyle and Phil |

Kyle resting |

Bluebird day |

Phil and Dave rest stop |

View towards the base |

Monday morning valley view

Phil, Dave, Kyle and El |

Wide cruising run |

Monday afternoon lunch |

Brian, El, Phil, Andy and Pat

Joe, Dave and Kyle |

Joe and Dave checking the trail map |

Joe, El, Kyle, Phil and Dave |

Clear valley view

Joe, Dave, El, Kyle and Phil |

Monday afternoon view |

Kyle and Dave rest stop |

Kyle and Dave closeup

End of the skiing day, part 1 |

End of the skiing day, part 2 |

Mountain closeup |

Avalanche bar and grill sign

Monday evening dinner, part 1 |

Monday evening dinner. part 2 |

Kyle at dinner |

Appetizer plate

Salad and cheesesteak sandwich |

Teri on the ice sculpture |

Rich and Judy on Tuesday morning |

Gentle cruising run

Judy on a wide slope |

Dave, El and Kyle |

Rich and Jim at lunch |

Lunchtime gathering, part 1

Lunchtime gathering, part 2 |

Lunchtime mountain view |

Pat and El |

Brian, Andy and Joe

Tuesday afternoon landscape, part 1 |

Tuesday afternoon landscape, part 2 |

Tuesday afternoon landscape, part 3 |

Bluebird view of the butte

Flat trail junction |

Dave and Kyle on a wide slope |

Pleasant landscape, part 1 |

Pleasant landscape, part 2

Rugged topography, part 1 |

Rugged topography, part 2 |

Gray jay |

Butte on Tuesday afternoon

Uley's cabin and ice bar |

Dave and Kyle near the ice bar |

View from the ice bar |

At the ice bar

Judy and Andy |

Brian and Pat |

Leaving the cabin and ice bar, part 1 |

Leaving the cabin and ice bar, part 2

Tuesday afternoon rest stop |

Wide easy run |

Phil's rest stop |

Mountains and trees

Hot tub gathering, part 1 |

Hot tub gathering, part 2 |

Farkle game in the condo, part 1 |

Farkle game in the condo, part 2

Farkle scoresheet |

New snow at the Avalanche bar and grill |

New snow, part 2 |

Ready to ski on Wednesday morning

Wednesday morning view of the butte |

Brian, Pat, Andy and Dave |

Andy, Dave, Joe and Kyle |

Kyle, Rich, Jim and El

Thursday morning ice sculpture, part 1 |

Thursday morning ice sculpture, part 2 |

Trailhead decorations |

Early Thursday morning view

Phil about to ski |

Rich about to ski |

Kyle on fresh corduroy |

Dave on Thursday morning

Quiet scenery |

Kyle resting in the woods |

Dave resting in the woods |

Smooth corduroy

Kyle in the terrain park, part 1 |

Kyle in the terrain park, part 2 |

Aspen trees next to open slope |

Dave and Kyle on the lift

Joe on the lift |

View up the lift |

Snowshoe race team |

Teri and Joe

Kyle, Dave, Teri and Joe in snowshoes |

Snowshoe race, part 1 |

Snowshoe race, part 2 |

Snowshoe race, part 3

Snowshoe race, part 4 |

Dave snowshoe racing |

Snowshoe race underway |

Snowshoe race, continued

Joe resting in snowshoes |

Kyle, Dave, Teri and Joe after the race |

Dave closeup |

Kyle closeup

Joe closeup |

Brian and Teri after the race |

Kyle, Dave, Teri, Joe and Phil |

Andy, Pat, El, Brian, Teri, Phil, Kyle, Dave and

FSA welcome party overview |

FSA welcome party hallway |

Pat, Brian, Andy and El at the FSA welcome party |

Andy, El, Jim and Rich

Dave, Kyle and Phil at the FSA welcome party |

Teri and Judy on Friday morning |

Phil, Pat, Andy and Brian |

Race course

Teri racing, part 1 |

Teri racing, part 2 |

Judy racing, part 1 |

Judy racing, part 2

Men waiting to race, part 1 |

Men waiting to race, part 2 |

Brian, El and Dave waiting to race |

El racing

Andy at the starting gate |

Andy racing |

Dave at the starting gate |

Dave racing, part 1

Dave racing, part 2 |

Brian racing |

Phil racing, part 1 |

Phil racing, part 2

Rich at the starting gate |

Rich racing |

Jim waiting to race |

Jim at the starting gate

Jim underway |

Phil and Rich watching the race |

Joe waiting to race |

Joe at the starting gate

Joe racing, part 1 |

Joe racing, part 2 |

Teri and Phil at the race course |

Kyle before the snowboard race

Snowboard race course |

Boarders waiting to race |

Kyle racing, part 1 |

Kyle racing, part 2

Joe, Kyle and Dave |

Phil near the race course |

Dave near the race course |

Clearing skies

Pat and El at the FSA banquet Omaha club table |

Kyle, Dave and Joe |

Jim, Rich and Judy |

Brian, Andy and Pat

FSA awards banquet hallway |

FSA awards banquet buffet line |

FSA medals table, part 1 |

FSA medals table, part 2

FSA medals table, part 3 |

Andy, Pat ad Phil |

Discussion at the Omaha table |

Club FSA awards banquet photo

FSA club race representatives |

FSA speakers, part 1 |

FSA speakers, part 2 |

Brian, Andy and Pat reviewing race results

Rich, Judy and Teri |

Joe closeup at the FSA awards banquet |

Kyle and Dave at the banquet |

Phil closeup at the banquet
Teri (on right) with medal |

Kyle and Teri with medals |

Teri and Kyle |

Omaha banquet table decorations

FSA awards banquet dessert |

Phil in dense woods on Sunday morning |

Snow and moss on the trees |

Sunday morning valley view

Snowy peaks |

Peaks closeup |

Wide open area |

Back valley, part 1

Back valley, part 2 |

Butte on Sunday afternoon |