Charter sign |

Condo complex entrance

Outside view of the condos, part 1 |

Outside view of the condos, part 2 |

Condo living room |

Condo master bedroom

Condo second bedroom |

Kitchen counters and living room |

Kitchen and dining area |

Condo dining area |

Indoor pool

Outdoor pool and hot tub |

Tuesday afternoon view from the condo |

Janet, Dale, Ben and Phil at Tuesday evening
dinner |

Burger and fries dinner |

Wednesday morning view from the condos entrance |

View from the condos entrance, part 2 |

Wednesday morning breakfast

Phil, Dale and Teri on the Beaver Creek slopes |

View to the east |

Dele, Ben and Phil |

Arrowhead valley view, part 1

Arrowhead valley view, part 2 |

View up the ridge |

View up the Arrowhead lift |

Wide cruising run

Dale resting on Wednesday morning |

Ben skiing on wide easy run |

Phil resting on Wednesday morning |

Snowy valley view

Valley closeup |

Complex trail system, part 1 |

Complex trail system, part 2 |

Phil on a wide slope

Ben and Phil Wednesday morning |

Dave on Wednesday morning |

Wide open scenery |

World Cup race stands

Racing stands and restaurant |

Wide valley |

Aspens and spruce |

Interesting vegetation

Variety of trees |

Thin trees, steep valley |

Traverse through aspen trees |

Dale, Phil and Mark on the traverse

Dale, Phil and Mark, part 2 |

Along the top of the ridge |

Snowmaking water storage pond |

Bachelor Gulch entrance

Arrowhead entrance |

Near the top of Arrowhead, part 1 |

Near the top of Arrowhead, part 2 |

Phil near the top of Arrowhead

Dale and Ben |

Wide easy Arrowhead cruising run |

Ben at Arrowhead |

Teri at Arrowhead |

Phil descending on the easy slope

Under the Arrowhead lift |

Under the lift, part 2 |

Under the lift, part 3

Under the lift, part 4 |

Strip of snow under the lift |

Traverse downhill from the woods |

Skimpy snow cover

Clump of aspens near the lift |

Returning to the main area |

Grouse Mountain view |

World Cup viewing stands on Wednesday afternoon

Viewing stands and restaurant |

Viewing stands closeup |

Traverse under the lift |

Wednesday afternoon valley view

Overlooking the main base |

Phil at the base village |

Base village decorations |

Teri back at the condo late Wednesday afternoon

Janet making salad Wednesday evening |

Spaghetti dinner at the condo |

Spaghetti dinner closeup |

Janet, Dale, Ben and Phil at Wednesday evening

Janet resting on Thursday morning |

Thursday valley view |

Phil, Dale and Janet |

Ben, Phil and Janet on Thursday morning

Phil and Janet |

Wide steep slope |

Wide Thursday morning cruising run |

Trees in the valley

Peaceful Thursday morning landscape |

Wide traverse |

Janet and Dale |

Ben and Phil resting

Thin trees with valley view |

Narrow traverse |

Narrow traverse with Grouse Mountain view |

Traverse through the woods

Ben and Dale on a long slushy slope |

Wide cruising run on Thursday afternoon |

Thursday afternoon base view |

Thursday afternoon view near the base

Creek near the condo |

Base village skating rink |

Base village decorations on Thursday evening |

Skier statue at the base village

Base village walkway, part 1 |

Base village walkway, part 2 |

Creek near the base village |

Springtime vegetation, part 1

Springtime vegetation, part 2 |

Base village entrance |

Aspens along the creek |

Creek in the trees

Phil on the boardwalk |

Thursday evening view of the mountains |

Thursday evening sunset |

Friday morning view from the condo

Mountain view from the condo |

New snow outside the condo |

New snow, part 2 |

New snow, part 3

Friday morning breakfast |

Breakfast area |

Breakfast buffet, part 1 |

Breakfast buffet, part 2

Phil, Ben, Janet and Dale at Friday morning
breakfast |

Penguin statue in the condo |

Condo fireplace and artwork |

Condo bedroom decorations, part 1

Condo bedroom decorations, part 2 |

Snowy trees on Friday morning |

Ice carving |

Ice carving sign

Ben skiing in the fresh snow |

Phil on the fresh snow |

Wide open steep run |

Snowmaking pond with fresh snow

Phil near the snowmaking pond |

Phil, Ben and Dale |

Fresh snow at Arrowhead, part 1 |

Fresh snow at Arrowhead,
part 2

Fresh snow at Arrowhead, part 3 |

Phil and Dale at Arrowhead |

Phil skiing at Arrowhead |

Approaching the Bachelor Gulch base

Main base viewed from the southwest |

Phil on a wide open run |

Thin trees, steep slope |

Approaching the main base

Aspens on the ridge, part 1 |

Aspens on the ridge, part 2 |

Above the main base |

Long valley, part 1

Long valley, part 2 |

Interesting scenery |

Grouse Mountain view on Friday afternoon |

Traverse into a wide cruising run

Beaver statue |

Centennial lift view |

Dale and Phil |

Bachelor Gulch base area

Phil and Teri watching the valley |

Approaching the Beaver Creek village base |

Friday afternoon view from the condo |

Condo kitchen area

Condo bedroom |

Janet at dinner |

Saturday morning breakfast |

Phil and Janet on Saturday morning

Saturday morning landscape |

Janet and Teri |

Teri on Saturday morning |

Unusual boundary fence

Saturday morning traverse,
part 1 |

Janet on the Saturday morning traverse |

Saturday morning traverse,
part 3 |

Tall aspens

Janet and Phil |

Melting snow and aspens |

Valley view and trees |

Trees and mountains, part 1

Trees and mountains, part 2 |

Dense woods overhead |

Aspens with valley view |

Phil on a long easy run

Janet and Phil resting |

Mark and Janet |

Mark and Dale |

Beano's Cabin entrance

Beano's cabin decorations |

Impressive valley view |

Mark resting |

Dale resting

Saturday evening condo window |

Phil preparing Saturday dinner in the condo |

Saturday evening hamburger dinner table |

Hamburger dinner at the condo, part 1

Hamburger dinner at the condo, part 2 |

Hamburger dinner closeup |

Saturday night ice cream |

Dale, Mark and Phil cleaning up after dinner

Ben, Mark, Dale and Janet at
Sunday morning breakfast

Sunday morning breakfast closeup |