Preparations under the pavilion |

Lake Manawa Sailing Association beach |

Trip signup table |

El, Nancy and Phil at the trip signup table |

Phil filling out paperwork |

Entering the pontoon boat

Relaxing in the pontoon boat, part 1 |

Relaxing in the pontoon boat, part 2 |

Teri on the pontoon boat |

Ben and El

Boat dock |

Pavilion and beach |

Watching the lake |

Pat, Dave, Steve and Nancy |

Colorful sailboat |

Jordyn, George, Ellen and Nancy on a sailboat |

Sailboat and sun |

Sailboat and lake panorama |

Watching the shoreline |

Omaha skyline |

Omaha skyline, part 2 |

Skyline and lakeshore |

Joe paddleboarding, part 1 |

Joe paddleboarding, part 2 |

Phil on the sailboat |

Rich on the sailboat |

Judy on the sailboat, part 1 |

Judy on the sailboat, part 2 |

Front of the sailboat, part 1 |

Front of the sailboat, part 2

Top of the sail |

Lots of boats |

Judy and Teri |

Judy, Rich and Phil

Getting off the boat |

Jordyn, Al and Steve at the pavilion |

Gathering near the grill |

Around the long table

Phil and Ben at the grill |

Nancy, Jordyn, Steve and Phil |

At the food table |

Phil, Dave and El at the grill

Steve, El, Phil, Dave and Al |

Dave, Al, Steve and Phil |

Al and Dave with burgers and brats |

Getting food

Dave and Joe |

Eating dinner, part 1 |

Eating dinner, part 2 |

Eating dinner, part 3

On the pontoon boat near the dock |

On the pontoon boat, part 2 |

On the pontoon boat, part 3 |

Pontoon boat discussions

Pontoon boat at the dock |

El |

Dock at sunset |

Ben and Rich on the sailboat

Dave, Ben and Rich |

Phil, Ben and Rich |

Steve, Rich and Ben, part 1 |

Steve, Rich and Ben, part 2

Putting the boat away, part 1 |

Putting the boat away, part 2 |

Steve and Rich rolling up the sail |

Rich, Steve, Phil and Ben

Boats on the beach |

Dock after sunset |

End of the day |

Picnic area after dark

Ducks on the beach |

Sailing Association anchor |