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Omaha Ski Club Photo Album
Copper Mountain, Colorado
December 12-16, 2012

Pat, El, Pat, Phil, Andy and Teri
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Base of the American Eagle lift |

Andy and Pat waiting to ski

El, Pat, Phil, Andy and Teri about to ski |

Pat about to ski |

Phil and Andy about to ski |

Looking towards the east

Pat, Andy, Teri, Phil and El |

Rest stop with Brian |

View to the west |

Pat, Phil, Pat and Teri |

El looking towards the base

Andy, Ben, Pat, Phil and El |

Wide easy cruiser with valley view |

El and Phil on the lift |

Pat, Andy, Ben, Phil and El |

Andy, Pat, Ben, Phil and El with valley view |

Andy and Ben at lunch |

Pat, Pat, El and Ben

Pat, El, Ben and Phil |

Thursday afternoon rest stop |

Along the Flyer lift |

View from the Flyer lift

Phil and Teri on the lift |

Thursday afternoon gathering at Jack's |

Thursday afternoon at Jack's,
part 2 |

Thursday afternoon at Jack's,
part 3

Pat, Ben, Cindy and Brian |

Brian, Phil and Teri |

Pat |

Brian and Pat

Lefty Lucy setting up |

Lefty Lucy on Thursday afternoon |

Andy and Lucy |

Teri and El

Cindy and Brian |

Ben, Cindy, Brian and El |

Cindy, Brian and Pat |

Cindy, Ben and Pat

Teri and Andy |

Andy, Teri, Phil and Pat preparing to ski |

Phil waiting to ski |

Teri waiting to ski |

Andy waiting to ski |

Pat, Andy and Phil |

Ben waiting to ski |

Andy, Teri and Pat

Rest stop at the top of the lift |

Phil and Andy skiing, part 1

Phil and Andy skiing, part 2 |

Pat, Andy, Pat, Ben and Phil |

Phil at the trail map |

Andy, Pat and Ben on the lift |

Friday lunchtime gathering |

Phil and Pat at the base of the Timberline lift

T-Rex on-mountain restaurant |

Clearing skies, rugged landscape

Pat and Andy near the summit |

Pat, Andy and Phil near the summit |

Ben, Pat and Phil on the lift |

Pleasant scenery |

I-70 valley view |

Ben, Pat and Phil at Jack's |

Andy, Pat and Cindy |

Ben, Pat, Brian and Phil

Andy, Pat, Cindy, Ben and Phil |

Lefty Lucy playing Friday evening

Lucy singing on the bar |

Pat, Andy, Phil and Ben at the hot tub

China Szechuan menu |

Phil, Ben, Pat and Andy with Chinese food |

Exotic Chinese food, part 1 |

Chinese food, part 2 |

Chinese food, part 3 |

Chinese food, part 4

Saturday morning motel breakfast |

American Eagle lift on Saturday morning |

Pat, Andy, Phil and Pat about to ski |

Teri resting on a steep slope

Teri skiing in deep snow |

Teri, Andy and Pat in heavy falling snow |

El, Pat, Pat, Andy, Brian and Ben in heavy
falling snow |

Pat, Pat, Andy and Ben |

Phil's rest stop

Andy's rest stop

Resting in fresh powder |

Andy after a minor slipup

Four skiers on the lift |

Pat, Ben and El |

Fresh powder on the slopes |

East Village base view

Jack's outside view |

Gathering at Jack's |

Ben and Pat at Jack's |

Cindy, Brian and Ben

Teri and El |

Pleasant late Saturday afternoon at Jack's |

Brian on the stage with Lefty Lucy |

Brian with Lefty Lucy T-shirt

Brian, Teri, Phil and Pat with a shot ski, part
1 |

Brian, Teri, Phil and Pat with a shot ski, part
2 |

Andy, Pat, Cindy, Ben and Brian |

Italian dinner gathering

Phil, Ben, El, Pat, Andy at Toscato's Italian
restaurant |

Italian salad |

Fancy exotic lasagna |

Unusual spaghetti with mushroom slices

Large hollow spaghetti with vegetables and
mushrooms |

Colorful Italian seafood plate |

Ben preparing to ski on Sunday morning |

Teri and Phil preparing to ski |

Teri on Sunday morning |

Fresh powder |

Phil and Ben on Sunday morning |

Teri resting |

Snowy and foggy conditions |