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Omaha Ski Club Photo Album

Copper Mountain, Colorado
December 14-18, 2011

Eight skiers in a row, plus one boarder

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Wednesday morning view from the base

Phil, Lamont and Eric checking in

Teri, Lamont, Phil and El at lunch

El at lunch

Phil at lunch

Fox Pine condos, slopeside view

Mark and Pat preparing to ski

Teri, Lamont, Phil, El, Mark and Pat

Valley view

Interstate 70 valley view

Lamont, Phil, Eric, El, Mark, Ben and Pat

View along the easy cruising run

Ben resting

Eric resting

Pat, Ben and Phil

Ben, Phil, Lamont and El

Ben, El, Phil and Lamont

Pat, Ben, El, Phil and Lamont

Eric resting sideways

Skiing down a groomed slope

Pat skiing down the blue cruiser

El skiing down the blue cruiser

Mark, Pat, El and Lamont at lunch

Eric, Phil and Ben at lunch

Eric, Phil, Teri, Ben and Pat

Lunchtime crowd

Eric after lunch

Mark after lunch

Pat in the rocky valley

Ben in the rocky valley

Phil, Pat, Ben and Eric

Pleasant scenery

Lefty Lucy playing Thursday night

Shot skis at the bar, part 1

Shot skis at the bar, part 2

Lefty Lucy with little helper

Christmas tree at the base

Phil preparing breakfast

Breakfast in Phil and Teri's condo

Watching the valley

Mark, Eric, Pat, Teri and Phil

Phil, Mark, Eric and Ben, part 1

Phil, Mark, Eric and Ben, part 2

Pat resting

Eric and Phil on the lift

Teri on the lift

Friday lunchtime gathering

Mark, Phil and Ben in the hot tub

Hot tub gathering

Welcome dinner at Cowboy's Pizza Station, part 1

Welcome dinner at Cowboy's Pizza Station, part 2

Jeff and Mark after dinner

Saturday morning breakfast, part 1

Saturday morning breakfast, part 2

Pat, Mark, Jeff, Lamont, Phil, El and Teri

Pat, Lamont and El

Mark, Jeff and Phil

Fox Pine condos

View up the valley

Teri and Eric

Jeff, Mark, Teri, Eric, Lamont and Phil

Teri, Mark, Jeff, Phil and Charlie

Resting on a flat area

Looking across the valley

View from the base

View from the base, part 2

Eric and Phil

Eric near the summit

Five skiers in a row

Eric, Jeff, Charlie and Mark

Six skiers resting

Ben and Pat at the end of the skiing day

Center village base view

Skiers returning at the end of the day

Terrain park

Lefty Lucy playing Saturday evening

Pat and El at Jack's

Ben, Mark, Jeff and Charlie

Phil, Ben and Teri

Gathering at Jack's

Phil, Ben and Teri part 2

Teri and Jeff

Lefty Lucy with helpers

Saturday evening shot ski at Jack's

Jeff and Mark

Ole's steakhouse on the Sunday afternoon return trip

Eric and Phil at Ole's

Stuffed heads at Ole's

Eric with moose head

Lamont with stuffed polar bear and deer head

Eric, Phil and Lamont on the way out at Ole's