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Omaha Ski Club Photo Album

Winter Park, Colorado

with the Flatlands Ski Association (FSA)
January 27 -  31, 2010

Group photo stop


Race results

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Breakfast at Teri's condo

Giant hot tub

View from the condo

El, Dave, Kyle and Eric

Kyle and Dave

Eric taking a rest

El, Dave and Eric descending a slope

Dave, Kyle, Teri, Eric and El

Dave in the snow

Snowy landscape

Kyle and Dave along the ridge

Snowy trees

Kyle and Dave on the lift

Eric on the lift

Lunch at Sunspot

Phil, Len and Pat

Kyle, Dave and Eric

Len, Eric, Pat and Dave

Len and Eric getting ready to ski and ride

Waiting in the lift line

Len and Richard

Andy and Brian

Pat, Brian, Teri, Len, Eric, Andy and Richard

Teri on the summit ridge

Peaceful landscape

Len near the top

Eric, Pat, Len, Richard and Andy

Kim, Brian, Ellen, Richard and Judy at lunch

Andy, Eric, Len and Pat

Lunchtime discussions

Andy resting

Valley view

Pat and Brian at the bar

Dave, Phil and Andy

Dave, Teri, Ben and Kim

Ellen, Eric, Kyle and Len with snowshoes

Ellen practicing with snowshoes

Kim and Ben

Snowshoe racing team

Preparing to race

Snowshoe race start

Snowshoe race, part 2

Snowshoe race, part 3

Kyle with one snowshoe

 Snowshoe race, part 5

Snowshoe race, part 6

Watching the race

Ellen, Eric, Len, Kyle, Dave and El

Len, Eric, Dave and Kyle playing outdoor music

Winter Park condos

Andy and Judy at the welcome party

Randy and Eric

Pat, Len and El

Ellen, Kim and Ben

Teri at the welcome party

Randy, Teri and Eric

Welcome party food

Phil and Randy making breakfast

Andy, Brian, Eric and Phil

Len, Richard and Judy

Condo icicles

Winter Park base area seen from the condo

Inspecting the race course

Upper race course view

Morning view near the base

Waiting to race

El racing

Dave at the starting gate

Dave racing

Brian at the starting gate

Brian racing

Phil racing

Ben racing

Len racing

Eric resting

Richard racing

Andy racing

Pat racing

Brian and Len

Dave and El

Phil and Richard

Andy near the top

Len resting

Teri racing

Teri, Kim and Ellen

All in a row

Clear blue day

Brian, Andy, Pat and Phil

Len at the end of the day

Andy and Phil


Hot tub gathering

Saturday morning breakfast, part 1

Saturday morning breakfast, part 2

Richard and Judy

Eric racing

Lunchtime gathering

Scenic mountainside

View from the top

Andy near the summit ridge

Pat resting

Teri near the top

Brian resting

Teri and Andy

Ben, Eric, Andy and Pat

Kim, Andy, Brian, Teri, Richard and Judy at the awards banquet

Dave, Eric and Kyle

Pat, Dave and El

Kyle, Len, Pat and Dave

El and Teri

Ben, Andy and Brian

Richard with doorprize hat

Teri's medal ceremony

Teri with medal

Post-banquet dance

El and Kim