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Omaha Ski Club Photo Album
Winter Park, Colorado
with the Flatlands Ski Association (FSA)
January 27 - 31, 2010

Group photo stop
Race results
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Breakfast at Teri's condo

Giant hot tub |

View from the condo |

El, Dave, Kyle and Eric |

Kyle and Dave

Eric taking a rest |

El, Dave and Eric descending a slope |

Dave, Kyle, Teri, Eric and El |

Dave in the snow

Snowy landscape |

Kyle and Dave along the ridge |

Snowy trees |

Kyle and Dave on the lift

Eric on the lift |

Lunch at Sunspot |

Phil, Len and Pat |

Kyle, Dave and Eric

Len, Eric, Pat and Dave |

Len and Eric getting ready to ski and ride |

Waiting in the lift line |

Len and Richard

Andy and Brian |

Pat, Brian, Teri, Len, Eric, Andy and Richard |

Teri on the summit ridge |

Peaceful landscape

Len near the top |

Eric, Pat, Len, Richard and Andy |

Kim, Brian, Ellen, Richard and Judy at lunch |

Andy, Eric, Len and Pat

Lunchtime discussions |

Andy resting |

Valley view |

Pat and Brian at the bar

Dave, Phil and Andy |

Dave, Teri, Ben and Kim |

Ellen, Eric, Kyle and Len with snowshoes |

Ellen practicing with snowshoes

Kim and Ben |

Snowshoe racing team |

Preparing to race |

Snowshoe race start

Snowshoe race, part 2 |

Snowshoe race, part 3 |

Kyle with one snowshoe |

Snowshoe race, part 5

Snowshoe race, part 6 |

Watching the race |

Ellen, Eric, Len, Kyle, Dave and
El |

Len, Eric, Dave and Kyle playing
outdoor music |

Winter Park condos |

Andy and Judy at the welcome
party |

Randy and Eric |

Pat, Len and El

Ellen, Kim and Ben |

Teri at the welcome party |

Randy, Teri and Eric |

Welcome party food

Phil and Randy making breakfast |

Andy, Brian, Eric and Phil |

Len, Richard and Judy |

Condo icicles |

Winter Park base area seen from
the condo |

Inspecting the race course |

Upper race course view |

Morning view near the base |

Waiting to race |

El racing |

Dave at the starting gate |

Dave racing |

Brian at the starting gate |

Brian racing |

Phil racing |

Ben racing |

Len racing |

Eric resting |

Richard racing |

Andy racing |

Pat racing |

Brian and Len |

Dave and El |

Phil and Richard |

Andy near the top |

Len resting |

Teri racing |

Teri, Kim and Ellen |

All in a row |

Clear blue day |

Brian, Andy, Pat and Phil |

Len at the end of the day |

Andy and Phil |

Beer-thirty |

Hot tub gathering |

Saturday morning breakfast, part
1 |

Saturday morning breakfast, part
2 |

Richard and Judy |

Eric racing |

Lunchtime gathering |

Scenic mountainside |

View from the top |

Andy near the summit ridge |

Pat resting |

Teri near the top |

Brian resting |

Teri and Andy |

Ben, Eric, Andy and Pat |

Kim, Andy, Brian, Teri, Richard
and Judy at the awards banquet |

Dave, Eric and Kyle |

Pat, Dave and El |

Kyle, Len, Pat and Dave |

El and Teri |

Ben, Andy and Brian |

Richard with doorprize hat |

Teri's medal ceremony |

Teri with medal |

Post-banquet dance |

El and Kim |