Roberta on the shuttle bus |

Teri on the shuttle bus |

Teri and Roberta evaluating the slopes |

Teri and Roberta, part 2 |

Roberta and Teri at Mary Jane |

Teri in deep snow |

Ben in the snow |

Snowy landscape |

Hot tub view from the condo |

Icicles |

View from the condo |

Ben and Steve at the Winter Park pub dinner |

Teri and Roberta at the Winter Park Pub dinner |

Looking out the windows |

Lots of snow outside |

Winter Park Pub outside view |

Teri resting |

Teri celebrating |

Steve resting |

Ben resting |

Roberta and Ben skiing in heavy snow |

Teri skiing in heavy snow |

Teri and Roberta on a sunny day |

Quiet landscape |

Teri and Ben |

Roberta and Ben on the lift |

Sun, snow, mountains and trees |

Teri's rest stop |

Ben's rest stop |

Snowy tress |

Cloudy mountaintop |

Sunny valley |

Low clouds |

Sunlight in the tress |

Ben resting in the Eagle Wind
area |

Teri resting in the Eagle Wind
area |

View down the trail |

Snowy trees in the sun |

Snow flurries in the valley |

Teri with valley overlook |

Cloudy valley view |

Overlooking the Winter Park base |

View from the base |

Icicles and swimming pool near
the condos |

Swimming pool |

Route 40 in the late afternoon |

Icicles at night, part 1 |

Icicles at night, part 2 |

Roberta resting |

German restaurant |

Teri, Roberta and Ben |

Fancy German food, part 1 |

Fancy German food, part 2 |

German dessert |

Snowy Winter Park gas station |

Men's bathroom sign |

Clearing skies |

Coal train near the Winter Park
base |

Returning home through Berthoud
Pass |

Berthoud Pass scenery |